Brett reached out to you as a courtesy call, to make sure you have everything you need to get started with Loan Broker Network.
Brett cannot provide support, so please follow the directions below to get started by logging into your account and follow the steps to get support if needed.
Here are the 5 steps to get started:
Step 1: Get access to our Facebook Support Group –
Step 2: Go here to login to your account and if you need to change your password you can on this page. Please check spam for any emails from us and you should also whitelist our email so you don’t miss any. Our email is After you login, please go to your course and watch the get started video –
Step 3: Watch a recording of the group onboarding call. We typically have these once a week and we announce in the Facebook group and send out an email when they are scheduled –
Step 4: Please watch the get started video because it walks you through your entire account and explains how to get support –
Step 5: Take advantage of our Fast Track Services so you can make money faster and automate your business –